My Goal

In exactly 100 days I will marry the love of my life. I will wear the most beautiful dress I have ever worn and I will share the day with many of my favourite people. For this I would like to look and feel my best. That's what this blog is about. I'm not overweight, I am by no means the most unhealthy person in the world and I am not a couch potato; but, I could do better.

I am writing this blog to inspire me to do something each day to work towards looking and feeling the fittest and healthiest I have ever felt. I will look my best on my wedding day.

Wish me luck!

Monday 17 November 2014

Day 14 - The story so far...

I have 89 days until 'the bride comes marching in!'  - Yes I just realised too that this means I actually had 103 days until a lighter brighter me... Oh well, I'll likely lose those 3 days over Christmas anyway!

So, my good intentions have not been as good as I hoped they would be. Since my birthday I have made it to the gym once (yesterday) and I've eaten chocolate and other sweet things. However, something has changed - my mindset. 

Now when I choose food I'm careful about my choices, or if I decide to have a dessert or a chocolate bar, I will cut something else out. Often I will decide to have fruit and yogurt instead of chocolate, and I don't over-eat thinking its a waste if I don't eat every last scrap on my plate. I think I am making better choices with my food and limiting myself to what I think is better for my physical and mental health as well as my figure. 

This is a small step forward but I believe, a step forward nonetheless. 

To help give you an idea of what we're working with, this is me:

I don't work well when I have a strict diet, nor do I think I need one; I work best when I can be kind to myself but decide on my own restraints as and when I think I need to. 

Last night I had two clementines and a banana and natural yogurt for my evening dinner, with a sweeter yogurt for afterwards. (I had a late lunch so a full meal wasn't needed). In the past I would have eaten junk - crisps and chocolate most likely. I am slowly learning to be kinder to my body. 

I am also hitting the gym tomorrow morning. 

Watch this space.

Saturday 8 November 2014

The land that time forgot...

I'm currently residing in a little village called Borth on the coast of Wales. I'm staying in a bazaar house also mascarading as an antique and thrift shop. Incredible place. 

Anyway, I digress. Breakfast has consisted of a cereal bar and an apple. 

Heading to Aberystwyth for lunch. Camera in hand. 

Friday 7 November 2014

Day 4 - Friday

set myself a pact last night that I can have any day which begins with an S, off my healthy eating plan. That's Saturday and Sunday saved for weekend treats! But, I'm not going to go mad, two treats each day is my limit. 

Today I've been good so far. I had a banana and a small bowl of granola for breakfast, and I'm having leftovers for lunch. 

I'm heading off on a long car journey this afternoon so it's a test of my 'beat the treats' willpower... 

I popped to the supermarket and got some apples, gluten free 'eat natural' bars (7 grams of fat in each so they need to be on a 'need only' basis! Then I faults red and bought plain crisps for the journey... 8 grams of fat in each bag but only 123 calories. I don't think I've done too badly! 

Friday is always beer night so that'll be coming later. Update to follow! 

The day ended with a mini sushi fest in the car then a glass of prosecco, a popadom and dip followed by half a curry with rice... I know not a healthy end but I chose no bread and stopped drinking the prosecco, substituting it for sparkling water... :) I'm in the mindset, let's do this!!! 

Thursday 6 November 2014

The day after the night before...

Well, my predictions were correct. Chips and ribs were the order of the day and, although fabulous at the time, on reflection perhaps one too many cocktails were had! 

Despite the slightly thumping head and groaning belly, my healthy eating plan is staying in tact. So far I've eaten a banana and a bowl of plain gluten free pasta. 

I'm starting to feel human again. 

So, I managed to keep restraint for the rest of the day; spaghetti bolognese with low fat sauce, quorn and gluten free pasta for tea, and no dessert or snaks!! A first for me! 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Day 2 - My Birthday

So far, day 2 has been a rip roaring success in the health stakes! Granted I had a croissant with strawberry jam for breakfast (only 1 though!) but I then went to the gym and did:

A10 minute warm up on the bike
A 30 minute Pilates class
Sauna/Steam Room (good for mental health!) 
15 minute swim 

I then stopped for a tuna, spinach and pomegranate salad before having a fabulous 55 minute facial. 

Not sure what's next but I see burgers, chips and cocktails in my future... 
Oh well... It is my birthday! 

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Tomorrow Is My Birthday...

Yes, tomorrow is my birthday. Tonight I treated myself to a curry, a beer and my future hubby brought home cake and ice cream. My plan has not started well. Tomorrow I will hit the gym - yes, on my birthday...